Civic Engagement

ACCE San Diego is at the forefront of growing our grassroots electoral power throughout San Diego County and beyond. Every election cycle, ACCE leaders have mobilized voters through massive door-knocking and phone call campaigns for our local and statewide progressive ACCE-endorsed candidates. In the last eight years, San Diego County has increased its share of the Latino vote, as well as low-income voters and voters in the south county. These efforts at increased voter participation have paid off in recent general elections, where ACCE-endorsed candidates in San Diego and statewide have won positions with expressly progressive and people-centered platforms. In the November 2024 election, ACCE members helped propel these San Diego-area endorsed candidates to victory: Sean Elo-Rivera for San Diego City Council, Marcus Bush and Jose Rodriguez for National City City Council, and Alysson Snow for Lemon Grove Mayor. Finally, to ensure that we can elect more progressive candidates well into the future, ACCE San Diego has formed a PAC with the CA Working Families Party.