ACCE is dedicated to organizing all across the state with offices located in Sacramento, Richmond, Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Our statewide team organizes with tenants all over the state and works hand and hand with our local offices to direct our statewide campaign efforts.
4600 47th Ave. Suite 206
Sacramento, CA 95824
Born out of our years fighting Wall Street's agenda to foreclose on millions of families across California, ACCE Action is deeply committed to building a California where everyone has access to a safe and affordable place to live. This means working to PROTECT tenants and homeowners fighting to stay housed, PRESERVE existing affordable housing, and PRODUCE more housing that is affordable for people with very low incomes and the unemployed.
All across the state, ACCE Action organizes tenants facing unreasonable rent increases, unjust evictions, and landlord harassment. We fight to win structural changes like rent control, just cause eviction protections, and increased affordable housing supply. Our members are deeply involved in the Community Land Trust movement, working to move rental housing from the speculative market into community control.
ACCE Action is also a proud steering committee member of Housing NOW! – a statewide coalition building power to make housing affordable and combat the displacement crisis that disproportionately impacts working class communities of color.
From corporations like Chevron, the largest landowner in California, for not paying their fair share in property taxes - to big banks and private equity giants like Blackstone for buying up our homes and displacing millions of Californians, ACCE Action is holding Wall Street accountable.
Blackstone, the world's largest corporate landlord, exemplifies corporate greed driving California's housing crisis. After acquiring 5,600 affordable housing units in San Diego County alone, they've hiked rents up to 64% while neglecting repairs. Our growing Blackstone Tenants Union is fighting back, and our groundbreaking report "Helter Skelter" exposed how they've raised rents 50% higher than market average.
We've challenged the University of California's $4.5 billion investment in Blackstone and won a landmark motion in San Diego County to investigate corporate landlords' growing monopoly over local housing. ACCE Action continues to work with allies across the state to lift up the need for progressive revenue, especially revenue that has been systematically syphoned from our communities through corporate giveaways and tax loopholes.
ACCE has boldly stepped into the fight for climate justice, and we're already winning big victories for working-class communities of color in the transition to clean energy. Through our Richmond Healthy Homes Campaign, we're pioneering one of the nation's first neighborhood-scale clean energy projects targeting low-income communities, while our Make Polluters Pay campaign secured historic corporate accountability from Chevron to address decades of environmental harm to Richmond residents.
Through our California Common Good coalition, ACCE is taking on the fossil fuel industry at a systemic level by pushing California's massive public pension funds to advance climate-resilient solutions. By organizing at the intersection of economic and environmental justice, we're working to ensure that California's transition to clean energy benefits working families, not corporate profits.
Key to ACCE Action's Power Building theory of change is the development of community members into powerful leaders and savvy organizers. We believe in equipping members with the tools they need to understand the world around them, share their stories, and fight to win systems that will affirm and support them. We do this by creating opportunities to critically discuss underlying social, racial, ethnic, economic and gender power dynamics that affect our daily lives.
Spokesperson Trainings: Through quarterly spokesperson trainings, we work with community members who have faced eviction, job loss, or economic hardship to strengthen their voices and connect their personal stories to the systemic changes they are working to win.
Leadership and Organizing Trainings: ACCE implements several training models, online and in-person and throughout the year, to advance the organizing skills of our membership base. Training sessions focus on collective visioning, understanding power building, and developing organizing skills for creating and winning local and statewide campaigns. The goal is to increase and activate our membership base, improve member participation, and develop and sustain our member leaders.
Wall Street, oil companies, landlord associations, and giant corporations continue to spend billions every election cycle to buy political power in both major parties. They use their outsized influence to reduce consumer protections, award corporate subsidies, and exploit shady tax loopholes. But, we have proven that when we are engaged and organized, not only can we defeat their attacks, but we can pass strong policies that benefit our communities!
ACCE Action's voter outreach teams connect directly with community members in order to engage deeply on the issues, and peel away the corporate lies. In the past decade, ACCE Action's voter engagement teams have won important victories across the state, from local and statewide ballot measures, to citywide seats, and school board races.
At the statewide level, ACCE Action is part of key collaborative efforts to champion progressive candidates and win necessary policies.
California's housing crisis continues to deepen, and in response ACCE Action's Housing Justice League has built powerful infrastructure for large-scale tenant organizing across the state. Through social media, radio ads, mass texting, and community outreach, we connect struggling tenants with Defend Your Home workshops, legal support, and organizing training.
Millions of Californians are unable to afford skyrocketing rents, and ACCE Action members continue to pressure local and state lawmakers to prevent evictions and create real rent relief. In cities across the state, ACCE members have led successful campaigns to win stronger protections locally, from rent control and just cause for evictions to anti-harassment laws.
The Housing Justice League is working to strengthen tenant protections and secure more affordable housing across California. Join us! You can join the Housing Justice League here.