Help for Homeowners



ACCE and Public Counsel are working together to provide FREE community resources to homeowners in LA County experiencing financial hardship or at risk of losing their homes.

FREE legal services to eligible low-income homeowners.

  • Are you behind on your mortgage or facing foreclosure?

    • Apply for Public Counsel’s foreclosure prevention clinic HERE

  • Do you need help responding to debt collection lawsuits, wage garnishment, or bank levy?

    • Apply for Public Counsel’s services HERE

  • Do you need advice about filing for bankruptcy?

    • Apply for Public Counsel’s self-help bankruptcy clinic HERE

  • Do you have another issue?

    • Visit Public Counsel’s website HERE

FREE presentations on foreclosure, dealing with debt or fraud.

Come join us at one of our community presentations! Every month, attorneys from Public Counsel will hold presentations on different topics affecting homeowners in Los Angeles County. See our schedule of upcoming presentations below.

Upcoming Presentations: TBA


FREE access to ACCE’s outreach team to help guide you to the resources you need!

For assistance in English and Spanish, contact ACCE organizer Danny at (323) 353-1130
Para asistencia en español, llame a Danny, organizador ACCE a (323) 353-1130

Who are we?

Public Counsel is a non-profit, pro bono legal services organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income consumers in Los Angeles County. Founded in 1970, Public Counsel is the nation’s largest provider of pro bono legal services.

Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights and Economic Justice project provides access to justice through direct legal and pro bono representation, self-help clinics, and policy advocacy that prioritize the rights of individuals like students, consumers, and low-income homeowners. We handle a wide array of consumer matters including predatory lending, debt collection, real estate fraud, foreclosure, student loans, criminal system debt, consumer fraud, and unfair business practices.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) is a grassroots, member-led, statewide community organization working with more than 15,000 members across California. ACCE is dedicated to raising the voices of everyday Californians, neighborhood by neighborhood, to fight for the policies and programs we need to improve our communities and create a brighter future.

Change from the bottom up: We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change. Our local neighborhood chapters and issue committees, led by ACCE Action member leaders, meet regularly to strategize and plan campaigns. Central to this work is the belief that there’s power in numbers and in collective action – ACCE Action members and their allies frequently “take to the streets” with rallies, town halls, and other actions to make their voices heard.