Here are list of resources for Oakland resident's during the COVID-19 crisis:
- Alameda County-wide eviction moratorium. Tenant cannot be evicted when unable to pay rent due to COVID related reasons for more information read this FAQ.
- Also Alameda County's Eviction Courts are closed until May 31st.
- Grocery stores and pharmacies will remain open so there is no need to jam stores or hoard items.
- Those engaged in or requiring essential services can continue their tasks while practicing good sanitation habits and social distancing.
- Exercising out-of-doors at our local parks while practicing social distancing is good for the body and mind.
- If you are able to offer assistance, or need assistance, two of the organizations that may help now are Meals on Wheels and Alameda County Community Food Bank.
- You can also get involved with Oakland At Risk Match, a new effort seeking to match those with needs with those who can help.
- Here’s a link to existing services for businesses and workers including loans
- Our Oakland schools are closed during this time and providing free ‘grab n go’ meals to the many students who rely on them at specific sites.
- Alameda County Community Food Bank also provides free food assistance to families and individuals through its County-wide network of food pantries and soup kitchens.
Reminders for those who live and/or work in Oakland:
- Individuals who work in Oakland have rights to paid sick leave.
- California’s State Resources for Employers and Workers includes waiving the 1 week waiting period for unemployment and disability insurance.
- Keep Oakland Housed provides emergency financial assistance and services to residents at risk of losing their housing.
- We can support Oakland’s small businesses by ordering take-out, purchasing gift cards now, and shopping online.
- If you are able to help others, you can get involved with Oakland At Risk Match, a new effort seeking to match those with needs with those who can help.