Budget Advocacy

San Diego County is currently sitting on almost $2 billion in reserves that could be invested in vital services and programs, like housing, mental health, and rehabilitation that would help to advance the communities that need them. As a result, ACCE together with community, faith-based organizations and labor allies formed the Invest in San Diego Families Coalition to ensure the investment and prioritization within the county budget to improve the quality of life for residents in the region. This effort so far has yielded winning rental assistance funding, translation services, and $15 million in legal counseling and tenant services for San Diego families. As part of the Community Budget Alliance, ACCE is working with other local organizations committed to fighting for equitable public investment in the city of San Diego’s budget. With the CBA, we have helped create and push for the People’s Budget, which includes proposals to invest in alternatives to policing, non-emergency responses, and youth violence prevention programs. For FY2022, the CBA succeeded in including such initiatives as full funding for the Commission on Police Practices, funding for more park space in communities of color, and small business funding set aside for BIPOC-owned businesses and street vendors.