ACCE Oakland Trains Youth Organizers
OAKLAND - The ACCE Youth Leadership Academy was a 5 week pilot program to explore ACCE's ability to train up youth organizers in our organizing model. 8 Oakland youth (from ACCE's membership base; several were children of current ACCE members), worked with ACCE 3 days each week for 5 weeks. Due to COVID, we were unable to engage the youth in our typical day-to-day community outreach/door-knocking work, but we did interactive trainings on topics like 1) Why We Organize (power in numbers, direct action & why elections actually matter); 2) Housing Justice (What is a commodity? What is real estate speculation? What is a land trust? How are housing justice and racial justice connected?) 3) Housing Rights (Rent Control, Costa Hawkins, Eviction Moratorium) 4) Power Mapping; 5) Strikes & Direct Action, etc. Each training included a skills and community engagement component, where youth learned and refined their version of an organizing rap, recruited tenants to attend trainings about their legal right to withhold rent during the pandemic, lobbied local and state legislatures, worked with ACCE tenant leaders to plan and execute direct actions, and created a video for the Cancel Rent campaign.
Oakland Tenants Declare - No Income? No Rent!
OAKLAND - ACCE members built a citywide rent strike, organizing strikes (of ACCE members) at 44 buildings. With many strikes still going strong, Oakland ACCE members collectively withheld over half a million dollars from the real estate industry in 2020.
ACCE Oakland wins strongest COVID Eviction Moratorium in the State, Possible the Country
OAKLAND - After surmounting pressure and campaigning, alameda passes one of the strongest eviction moratorium in the State, maybe the country! Afterwards, tenants won an extension tied to the State of Emergency.
29th Ave Rent Strike Wins Building Ownership Via Land Trust
Holding 50% of the entire building’s rent starting in October 2019, the strike grew in March 2020, and ultimately the tenants won a deal from the building owner to sell the building to the Oakland Community Land Trust.
Mosser Tenants Beat Rent Increases
Mosser tenants organized to stop or significantly reduce capital improvement rent increases at 3 different buildings.
Moms 4 Housing Changed the Narrative of the Housing Crisis, Challenged the Capitalist Housing Market, and Won a House
OAKLAND - After a 2 month occupation that became international news, Moms 4 Housing won an agreement from Wedgewood to sell the Magnolia Street house to the Oakland Community Land trust.